RENACER (Reborn) Collection

The placenta is an organ that provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby, from there arises the umbilical cord, which sends the necessary nutrients to the baby. In the Kamëntšá community, once the baby is born, they bury the placenta as a symbol of life. The placenta is the seed that takes root in the earth and bears fruit like life itself.

For 6 HERENCIAS, the placenta is the beginning of the life of our collection, the same one that will bear fruit after having placed seeds in fertile soil. In this collection we have 3 phases: sowing, birth and knowledge. Each phase is accompanied by emblematic symbols of the Kamëntšá community. Each phase has its colors, which, in addition to give life to the person who wears it, take on a special meaning depending on the phase.

Why to tell you this whole story?

Because the objective of these cycles is also that you can make them your own and to support you in the construction of your personal project. Each cycle tells us about: sowing to grow, knowing to tell and reborn to build again. Overalls and vests are layers that harmoniously build your outfit, give life, tell a story… your story.

Each symbol is the representation of what you want to start and want to share, it is not just an outfit to wear, but one to tell. Let us share our history as we do with our heritage and let us build from awareness.

I, Viviana, creator of 6 Herencias, started with the sowing of this project. This seed gave life to 6 Herencias, the project that keeps me vibrating high every day and reminds me that, even though there are downhills, the best thing is the ecstasy of the uphill.

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