Artisan Hands

Teresa is the person who helps us with the artisans. Teresa’s hands are the hands of the mamitas (that’s what they call the grandmothers who weave) who work with us. I am very grateful to have met her because with her the process of weaving begins. She and Eisen (her son) are responsible for transmitting love and value in each piece. Then they transmit the message to the artisans and with them they continue the journey of history that you later bring to life by wearing them.

For each Artisan, the symbols carry a story in addition to the one she already carries with her. Each fabric is the journey of your ancestors, your life and the moment they are passing through those days. Each fabric takes 2 or 3 days to weave and its energy charge when I hold them in my hands is immense, they tell me the story of a journey that I now travel by holding them in my hands and it allows me to give birth to the garments that you will soon wear and therefore they will also give life.

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